How to apply for a British passport before the price rise

Passport fees will rise on Tuesday 27 March in a drive to encourage applicants to go online rather than using the labour-intensive postal service. Standard fees will increase by £12.50 by post and £3 online from the end of the month, for both new applications and renewals.

The adult fee is being hiked from £72.50 to £75.50/£85 (online/post) and child fees from £46 to £49/£58.50. The premium one-day service is also going up, from £128 to £177 and fast-track one-week service from £103 to £142 for adults. The Post Office’s Check and Send service (£9.75) remains the same but does not apply to online applications.

Beat the hike

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If your passport is due to expire within the next nine months, you can renew it now and have the remaining time added to your new passport, giving it a maximum validity of 10 years and nine months. You’ll also need a new passport if you change your name (for example, by marriage, civil ceremony or divorce), gender or appearance (such as plastic surgery).

Unexpired visas might be invalidated by a name change, so check with the relevant country’s embassy. You can apply for a new passport up to three months before a marriage or civil partnership.