Full details about the shuttle bus from Sovereign Street to Ed Sheeran at Roundhay Park, Leeds

There is a shuttle bus running from Sovereign Street to the Ed Sheeran concert at Roundhay Park.There is a shuttle bus running from Sovereign Street to the Ed Sheeran concert at Roundhay Park.
There is a shuttle bus running from Sovereign Street to the Ed Sheeran concert at Roundhay Park.
There is a shuttle bus running from Sovereign Street to the Ed Sheeran concert at Roundhay Park.

Here is everything you need to know about the bus:

Where is it?

The shuttle bus goes from Sovereign Street, which is next to Leeds Station.

When is it?

The first departure is at 2.30pm.

The last departure from the city centre is at 7pm.

When does it return to the city centre?

Returns from Roundhay Park to the city centre will start from 9.30pm.

There will be frequent journeys until midnight.

Are there any other stops?

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No, the bus goes straight from Sovereign Street direct to Roundhay Park.

How much does it cost?

It will cost £5 per person.

Where can I get tickets?

You can buy them on board the bus.

They can also be purchased on the website.