7 fun ideas to try with the kids on Bonfire Night as fireworks displays are cancelled

Bonfire night is going to look a little different this year.

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, many large scale firework displays have been cancelled, and with all areas of the UK under some kind of lockdown restrictions, we’re going to have to look a little closer to home for our entertainment.

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Here are some ideas as to how you can celebrate Bonfire Night in a Covid-secure way.

Bonfire Night baking

Taking place in early November, Bonfire Night is often coupled with brisk temperatures and wintry conditions.

That’s why it’s often recommended to wrap up warm, and where could be warmer than the family kitchen?

Make some bonfire cupcakes or the traditional toffee apples to enjoy at home; BBC Food has a round-up of autumnal treats perfect for the occasion, from vegan sausage rolls to homemade fudge.

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Make your own fireworks

We’re not talking about real explosive fireworks of course, but kids will love constructing their own firework replicas from common households items.

A toilet roll tube could make the perfect body for a ‘rocket’, and just imagine what you could do with some colourful paper and glitter glue.

PVA all the way.

Bonfire art

Why not start an art session with the kids, encouraging them to make Bonfire Night-inspired art?

You could even focus on using charcoal for some on brand smokey pieces.

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Why not take your art club online, utilising the power of WhatsApp to connect with friends that you otherwise might not be able to see this year?