Boris Johnson’s coronavirus indecision responsible for delays - YEP letters

The UK government has announced that people entering shops will be required to wear a face mask by law from July 24. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)The UK government has announced that people entering shops will be required to wear a face mask by law from July 24. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
The UK government has announced that people entering shops will be required to wear a face mask by law from July 24. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
Boris Johnson is very much reminding me of John Major.

When John Major was our Prime Minister, back in the 90s, he was seen as a very grey and indecisive man. Boris Johnson is even more indecisive. John Major delayed in sacking Norman Lamont, Johnson seemed unable to sack Dominic Cummings.

At the start of the coronavirus pandemic they were waiting, perhaps for herd immunity, to see what the other nations were doing.

After a short delay, we followed them.

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Then came testing. Whilst other nations were testing and getting the results within 24 hours, we were struggling...we were struggling for months.

It seems like other countries have been ahead of us, in every step.

We have now come to the issue of wearing masks.

Once again, we are one of the last nations to wear masks. Face coverings are mandatory from July, 24. We have delayed and now more delay, whilst the number of coronavirus cases increases.